Glorify God. Share Jesus. Equip Disciples. Love & Serve Others.

Taking Steps to Transform Lives

Therefore encourage one another and build up one another, just as you also are doing

1 Thessalonians 5:11


Funding Goal Reached

Berlin Baptist Church exists to glorify God,
share Jesus Christ, equip disciples,
and Love and serve others.

In keeping with this mission statement and with our continued desire to take steps to transform lives, on April 25th, 2023, the congregation voted to set aside all new “TSTL” (Taking Steps To Transform Lives) monies towards the future construction of a Church Commons Addition.  With every step we take we pray for unity, and after the votes were counted, this prayer was answered with an almost unanimous outcome.  You may be asking why would we put so much time, effort, and resources into a building project, and the answer is quite simple, people. We acknowledge that as a tool, our campus has a lasting effect on visitors and members alike as we seek to better build into the lives of others.

The addition of a Church Commons area will establish a generous central hub and heart of our campus, it will improve way-finding, and provide an area for people to gather and build community and relationships.  This area will also offer an area that can be used for quality hospitality functions such as wedding receptions and funeral luncheons. The exterior of the building will also become more evident as an approachable destination for spiritual growth.

As we begin the process of building up funds for this project, we pray that our giving would be generous and cheerful, and that our desire to go out and make disciples would be the mission in which we are most driven and blessed!

Ways to give!

You can also give in person by designating your gift to our “TSTL” fund or collecting a giving envelope off of our Envelope challenge wall!

The Envelope Challenge Wall!